
Prayer Warriors, Part 10

April 21, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Ephesians and see where we can go some this morning. In Ephesians, a couple of different aspects as it pertains to the armor of God in Chapter 6. I want to talk a little bit about the need for us to put that armor on, to not only pray for ourselves in this warfare that we're engaged in here in this world, and how many of you realize it's getting worse by the day? Iniquity is abounding, and the perversion that's in the world is affecting the church. We may not like to admit it, but we are vexed daily, like Righteous Lot. I believe that all of us would admit at least to some desensitizing of our spirit man and our souls, some more than others. And beloved, we need to do everything necessary to stand, amen? There are no guarantees that we're going to finish this course, and we need to take that very seriously.

Keep your finger here in Ephesians, but since we were talking about it, turn to 1 Corinthians, Chapter 9. I think we're in a place where many of us are too casual with sin. If we haven't committed it, we flirt with it. We make it so readily available in our lives. Tragically, things that used to be sin to us are now just preferences, matters of choice, disputable matters. And it used to be sin. How desensitized have we become, and how concerned do we need to be about that vexing of our souls?

This should become a major part of our prayer lives: "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Is that a prayer that's paramount in your lives? "Teach us to pray." He said, "Pray this way. Believe God. Pray and ask for deliverance from evil." The Greek there implies to us "the workings of the evil one." Let's say it another way: "Pray that Satan would have no recourse or place in your life." When spoken about Jesus, it says that Satan had what? Nothing in Him. He couldn't hold Him. There was nothing he could get ahold of. Where are the things in our lives that Satan can get ahold of us? See, all he needs is just to get ahold of you and slow you down for a minute, to get your attention...