
Desperate for that Voice, Part 6

November 9, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's take a little bit of time tonight. I want to go back. I was not going to go into this much effort, but I think I will, because a number of questions have come to me. I am going to go ahead and make sure that we don't have gaps related to the doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. As we know, we said that is one of the major aspects of our foundations of faith. As we have talked about, there are four major categories. There is salvation, the redemption of man through the blood of Jesus and the great atoning work that was done for us. We are bought with a price. He became sin with our sin, so we might be made righteous with His righteousness. Amen? We rejoice in that and truly understand that it is by grace that we are saved through faith; it's not of works, lest any man should boast. We talked a little bit about the other aspect of our foundations of faith: the doctrine of divine healing. We spent a good amount of time on that, knowing that by His stripes we are a healed people. Isaiah, Chapter 53 shows us that it's in the atonement. As believers, we are to see signs following us. As we go out in His name, the Scripture says we will pray for the sick, and they shall recover, praise God! We believe that, and we are allowing ourselves to spend some time in the Word. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). As we continue to bathe our spirit in these promises, the manifestation of God's presence will be experienced. We will see the signs and the wonders that confirm the resurrection of Jesus. That is what we are believing.

The other two aspects we are going to be getting into shortly are the eschatological and the doctrine of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a subsequent work to regeneration. When a man is born again, he becomes a Christian, and the Spirit of God comes and abides within him. Amen? He said, "I'll give you a new heart. My Spirit will take up residence within you." We know and believe that the Spirit of God indwells every true born-again individual, but there is a subsequent work. There's an enduing with power from on high, the Scripture says. It was spoken of by the prophet Joel. In the last days, His Spirit will come. Our young men will move, and there will be visions. We understand that there are going to be dreams and prophecies that follow the anointing of God...