
Prayer Warriors, Part 6

April 7, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We were talking out of Ephesians, of course, of the need to put on the full armor of God, taking the Sword of the Spirit and praying. We were talking about that spiritual weaponry that’s needed in this hour. So many people are looking to the arm of the flesh; so many, of course, in ministry, Christendom, today that are working off of demographics, that are really trying to appease and tickle the ears of society that they might be able to win some—the exact opposite, of course, of what the Scripture says. The gospel is the power of God to salvation. Amen? So when we believe that and we go out and just bring the simplicity of the gospel, we’re going to see a harvest that will last. He said, “I’ve ordained you that you will go and bring forth fruit, and that fruit will remain” (John 15:16), praise God. So we’re looking to see some fruit that remains. “Of those, Father, that You’ve given Me, [Jesus said] I’ve lost none” (John 17:12).

I was trying to encourage some yesterday. I met—for the first time in years, I got with [a pastor I used to be closely associated with], and it was just so good to see him and just encourage him on in the call that Father has put on his life and that we can’t be weary in well doing—amen?—because we will reap if we don’t faint, praise God. The day we’re going into, it could be easy to faint. It’s a very, very difficult hour for serving in this kingdom, and it’s going to become harder as iniquity abounds, as we see the love of many waxing cold—and as that old, old gospel song we just sang, “The cross before me and the world behind me.”...