
Desperate for that Voice, Part 8

November 16, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Glory to God! Turn to 1 Corinthians 14, and let's see if we can get settled in, here. Hopefully, on Sunday morning we will start our little segment on eschatology. It will be just a little survey, as we encourage ourselves in the Blessed Hope--the soon coming of the Lord (amen?); because, "every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure" (1 John 3:3). If you want a lengthy study, grab Dwight Pentecost's book, Things to Come; after a year, when you get through it, you will have a very good understanding of the subject of eschatology. It is probably one of the most complete books that have been done. But if you want to cheat, get an old copy of Hal Lindsay's book, The Late Great Planet Earth; as he sat through Dwight Pentecost's courses on eschatology, he condensed into about 150 pages and made it contemporary, at least for the seventies. But it's interesting to see the heart's expectation of the seventies: as time continues, everything that was seen on the horizon that caused this great excitement in eschatology back then has cycled and is back to a greater degree. It's exciting to see how God, in His infinite wisdom, allows these things cycle through history: there were many times when things were in place, but God is merciful; amen? We don't know the day or the hour, but we do know for certain that He is coming back for His church (praise God!), and He is going to appear to those who are looking for Him, and He is going to appear to those who love His appearing, praise God! So, we want to stir ourselves up to where our expectation, every day, is to hear that trumpet, and live lives motivated by that to where we have a compassion for the lost. I mean, how many of us would be a little more diligent in crying out to those who are on the precipice of eternal damnation if we knew that there were only 24 hours left? These souls are going to an eternal damnation. How many of our priorities would change? These things that are so important to us today--our jobs, our home remodeling, our recreation, and the new whatever it is that is on the horizon--in light of eternity, it's all vanity. I just hope that comes through in the teaching. We are not as interested in your being able to pinpoint who the Antichrist is. I will share with you, however, that, as you look at the newspaper, as you see the world turning against Israel, in one statement the king of the North, the king of the East, and the king of the South, all said that, if Israel moves against Iran, they will destroy it. That's big talk for a guy with a hook in his jaw, because God is the One who is orchestrating all of this. The Bible says He is going to put a hook in the king of the North's jaw and just draw him down there to destroy him. It will take Israel seven years to count the destruction, the weapons, and the slain. You don't mess with God's weaponry. As you begin to read Ezekiel 38 and 39, and then through those passages, it's an exciting thing, praise God!...