
Adam's Rib, Part 11

February 11, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Glory. Amen. Good to be in His presence. Let's turn to Ephesians. We want to pick up where we left off this morning and check out a few more of the responsibilities that the men have in overseeing the household and fulfilling the call of God on their lives. We saw this morning that the husbands were to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it, and we talked about the spirit and the attitude in which he's to give himself, the character traits. How he's to be long suffering and kind and to minister according to the needs of the wife. We saw this morning that the wife was a joint heir with the man, and until you begin to treat them accordingly the Scriptures says your prayer life will be affected. Your prayers will be hindered when you don't understand the relationship and have it in proper perspective with your wives. We're dealing with the fact this morning that a woman in the Christian home is not chattel. She's not property, okay? Many of us seem to think, "Well, you know, okay, sure, we understand that." But not everybody acts that way. Not everybody lives that way, and as Christians we see that it's not only something that's preferred it's something that's commanded-that the women be honored and that we dwell with them according to knowledge. I think most men think that's a miracle. How in the world can you ever know a woman? Well, by knowing Jesus. Amen? You want to know how to understand your wife? Just get to know Jesus a little bit better and you will understand your wife.

And it's something that as you being to grab that feminine perspective, the love of God as it's expressed to you-His tenderness His compassion all of these different things that are expressed to you-you'll understand then why your wife responds in certain ways and you'll be able to understand that missing part, the feminine perspective. Or as we like to call it in our vernacular, our "better half" Okay. We find outside [the body of Christ], "Well this is my better half," and most men say jokingly, "Ha Ha Ha." And they're telling the truth, you know. And what we need to realize then is that this aspect, this part of man, woman, that that was taken out of man, is so vital and we need to realize then as we were looking that their to be honored as the weaker vessel...

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