
There is Yet One Man, Part 12

December 9, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen! Let's turn to Chronicles. I think we will be concluding this morning the study that we've been in, "There Is Yet One Man." We've been asking the question whether or not we're willing to be that man, that man in our homes, that man on the job, in our community. What does it take to be that man, the man of God in this hour? What are the dangers of being that man?

One thing that we know for sure is this: if you make a complete commitment to God, you've got a bull's-eye on you for the powers of darkness; amen? It's something that we have to come to grips with and be very conscious of. So many people are discouraged who make this commitment. Then all of a sudden, everything seems to be going wrong. "Things were going great and I make this commitment. Then all of a sudden, it seems like things are going wrong." The accuser of the brethren steps up and begins to accuse you of self-righteousness and accuse you of works' syndrome because you're praying more and studying more.

There are just all kinds of warfare that will break out when you commit yourself to being that man. Being that man requires a great humility, a willingness to be used in the moment and then be placed back into obscurity. So many of the great men of God, the prophets of God, especially, were men who were on the scene and then removed. You don't hear a lot more about them, just faithfully going back to serve in whatever area. As it pertains to us in the new covenant, whatever community we're involved in, but there's still a man who will speak the truth; amen?...