
Cleansed to Serve, Part 7

October 30, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Some exciting things are going on in Africa, so we encourage you to continue to pray. We were spending quite a bit of time yesterday discussing some of the land that's available to us. There are about two-and-a-half acres that right now seem to be the prime location in what's really one of the only suburbs of Nairobi. It's an exciting venture. As we were talking yesterday, I was sharing with Tony, though--Ron's coming home in a few weeks, as some of you may know--that we're being prayerful, because we all know Ron. He's over there wheelin' and dealin'. I told them to send word to him today that I'm not interested in a good deal. I want a miracle. Any of us can whip up a good deal. I want it to be God. Don't you? We want it to be God. We're not looking for a good deal; we're looking for a miracle. It takes time and waiting on the presence of God to see His hand. So be prayerful, and let's believe God. This is prime land. Everything about it is good. There's no reason in the natural why we shouldn't do it. It's a lot of money. It's far more money than we were expecting to spend at this particular time, but Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). We're looking to see what He does, so be prayerful. We're excited about that.

Let's go on into our study. Look just a moment back into your notes, as we were preparing our hearts to hear from Father. We've seen in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 3, of course, that the Lord speaks to us and lets us know that holiness isn't something that's extraordinary. It's not something that's for super-saints, extraordinary Christians. Holiness is normative Christianity. First Peter tells us, "Be ye holy, for the Lord is holy." That's a declaration to all of us. Thessalonians says, "This is the will of God, even your sanctification [or holiness]."...