
Generations, Part 10

November 3, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. We are going to continue this teaching. We keep trying to finish this subject, but we really want to give it the time it deserves, and to try to help us see that there is a bigger picture here that we want to address. We have been talking about the principal that the covenant of God, and the kingdom, is an institution to which God relates Himself generationally. In the teaching we said that He reveals Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He called Abraham the father of our faith; and we know that He called him, and He stated the reason: He said, "The reason I chose you is that you will teach your children, and your children's children." That's the will of God; amen?

In our study, we have said we must really come to grips with what we believe; because, for generations now, we have been taught that, when you are eighteen years old, you are a man, and you go out on your own. You have your family, you are responsible for that, and that shows that you have matured, that you have come to age, and that has now become the realm of your authority and your oversight. We have lost the biblical patriarchal pattern. If you went out and started sharing this in the work place and where you live, do you think it would be accepted? Do you think people would buy it? How many of you think that people would actually mock you, question you, and ridicule you? People would think it was laughable, absurd, antiquated. In so many different aspects we have been brainwashed by the secular, and the church has been vexed by the secular, to where we don't even think twice about its manifesting itself in the body of Christ and the church in the way that it does in the world. Now, we have been taught here, as a fellowship, to honor the Lord in every way He reveals Himself to us. We will continue to talk about the home and the patriarchal role and generational principles; but back off for a moment and let's think: What is it that is really under attack by the enemy of our souls, by the enemy of the kingdom of God? Thessalonians speaks very clearly that in the last days, "only he who now letteth will let" (2 Thessalonians 2:7). What is it that is being restrained by the Holy Spirit at this time? It's the secret power of lawlessness...

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