
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 6

May 27, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Turn, if you would, to the books of Corinthians and Ephesians. We're going to continue along with our study-see if we can start this morning and get the guys straightened out. How many of you guys need [to be] straightened out? Amen. Well, I saw one hand. How many of you ladies think these guys need [to be] straightened out? No, watch out. Don't get them up.

Okay, the eleventh chapter of Corinthians. You know the most frustrating thing about this? It's interesting, and the most frustrating thing in teaching the Word, especially-well, I guess it's every category, but it's so obvious in a situation like this-is people hear from preconceived notions, and rather than hearing to receive revelation and change, so many people listen to grab one phrase or one principle to justify their position rather than looking to change. We teach these different principles, and for instance, we're going to get into teaching concerning headship of the men...