
Walking in the Spirit, Part 9

October 17, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

It's been a little while since we were in the study, so let's go back to John, the fourth chapter. We'd like to read this Scripture verse. We'll be dealing with this passage of Scripture a few more times before we're done. Fourth chapter and the twenty-fourth verse, a Scripture that you've become familiar with, I'm sure. And the Scripture says, "God is a Spirit: and those that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Amen? Okay, let's say it together. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Okay, let's say it one more time. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Okay. Now, what about the mind? How does the mind enter into this thing? We've been dealing now, I don't know how many weeks, maybe four, five, six weeks on dealing with the spirit-man, but we know that man isn't a spirit alone. He is a spirit; he has a soul and he lives in a body. Now, since God's created us as a trinity, we realize then that there's a function to be carried out by every one of these portions of our being. We know what the body is. It carries us around, right? You couldn't eat without your body. A lot of us would be lost, man. Hey, what are you going to do if you can't spend eight hours a day eating, or however long we set aside for meals. No, that's sleeping that's eight hours, isn't it? Some sleep three and eat eight.

The body has a function, and its more of a function than just carrying around your brain. The soul aspect, the emotion, intellect and will. The body was created by God, ultimately, as a mechanism that would never fail. It would be eternal. This body was created to never know death. This body was created to never experience pain. This body was created to move in such a way of the existence of time and space that we're aware of, that we exist in today, in total dominion over it. This body was created so that it could be carried into and out of the pure spiritual realm. That's the way it was ultimately created. Now, because of the fall, the body has been limited to the natural or the sensual realm. But it wasn't created that way in the beginning. And we know from the fact that Jesus comes and appears in a glorified body that can still eat, that can still be touched and yet can go in and out of buildings, right? He can appear and disappear. There's no blood in it. He says, "Touch me." He says, "A spirit doesn't have flesh and bone, like you see me." And yet the body that you're going to have one of these days is going to be very tangible. No blood in it. You'll be able to see it, touch it, eat, and have all of the sensual experiences that you have right now that are pleasurable. And yet you won't have to worry about any kind of malfunction...