
There is Yet One Man, Part 11

December 5, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We ask that You would speak to us by Your Holy Spirit. Father, we ask that You would put Your words in our mouths and that You would cause our hearts, Father, to be lifted up and understand Your heart for us today, that we would understand Your mind in this hour. Father, that You would reveal to us the very will of God, the very heart of God. Father, we long for nothing else in this time and in this generation. We're not interested in the world's wisdom. We're not interested in their methods; we're not interested in their politics. We long for the kingdom of God, Father, to be made real before us. Let it seduce us. Let it become the very reason that we live and move and have our being, that our eyes would be focused on the city whose builder and maker is God and no longer distracted by the cares of this world, by the fleeting aspects of this earth, Father, but You alone would possess our hearts' desire. We'll give you the praise for that, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah!

We've been talking about Asa and looking at some of the different aspects of his life, looking at 2 Chronicles 15, and just a moment to review some of the areas of Asa's life. You remember the name Asa itself is really a name that talks about reminding us of the atonement of God. His name means physician or healing. We'll see how that's applicable in his life later on. We're all very familiar with the end of Asa's life, but here in the beginning in Chapter 15, as we look in verses 1 through 7, the prophet Azariah came to him, and he said, "Asa, know this: the Lord is with you, while you are with Him." Amen? The Lord is with you while you're with Him. God doesn't leave us; we leave Him. God doesn't leave us. We leave Him. He said He would never leave us nor forsake us. Amen? What a promise...