
Holy Home, Part 7

September 17, 2017 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. We truly need Him to speak to us this morning. Amen? We want to continue on the lines of the "Holy Home" and just see what Father has to say to us. As we have spent time in the holy home, we want to-we're just about to wind down-spend time and go back just a little bit and remember what we're talking about. First of all, we're talking about the preparation of the bride for the coming of the Lord Jesus; amen? His church. We see that the Lord draws the comparison between Jesus' union as head of the church, as the husband of the bride of Christ, the church, and parallels it with the home and with our natural union of husband and wife. He draws the parallels in Ephesians and says that we're to love our wives, men, as Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. One of the things we see about men is that tendency of selfishness, of pre-eminence of the self. Part of that comes from the fallen nature of man. We know that the Scripture says that the man was not made for the woman, but the woman was made for the man. That's very obvious in the Scriptures. Today, with all the gender lines being erased and the movement of feminism over these last decades blurring the fact of the roles of husband and wife, of men and women, and we're not talking primarily about society, we're talking about the home. We're talking about the church. We're not saying that men are superior to women; we're saying that husbands are in authority over their wives. This is what the Scripture teaches.

We know from the beginning that man was created and there wasn't found for him a helpmeet anywhere. There was no companion and all of the rest of God's creation had companions. As hard as it is for us to understand, at one time God paraded all of creation before Adam and nothing was found there to satisfy him. So God, then, as we know the Scriptures, God put Adam to sleep and reached into his side, (King James says rib) but the Hebrew makes it very clear that it was the whole negative-neged is the word-of man. God reached into a man and pulled out of him a woman. The Hebrew word "negative." We all know what a negative is. It's just the exact opposite exposure, right? We know what that is. So God pulled out of that man, this woman. The opposite...

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