
Generations, Part 8

October 27, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Our kids are in public school there. We're really encouraging the ministry there, the families, to get the kids stirred up to make some organized effort at evangelizing the schools they're in. Hopefully, get such a spiritual revival going that they will throw them out and tell them to go back where they came from. We're just believing God to really move on the hearts of them to see that in the place that we are, we want to be offensive not defensive. We're not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God unto salvation.

So there's that tendency, you know, when the government agencies were on them and all of these things to kind of withdraw and go, "Oh, did we do something wrong? Nobody likes us. We're not approved. We're different." What you have heard by the Spirit of God in the inner recesses of your heart, shout it from the housetops. We have nothing to be ashamed of as we're proclaiming this gospel. We are the light of the world, and we are the salt of the earth. We want to encourage them in that and also at the same time, encourage ourselves in that, because it's not far away for us.

How many of you enjoyed Sunday night the ministry by the skit team? Did you? Great job, wasn't it? Did the message come home pretty clearly? You know, sometimes being able to visualize it a little bit is very helpful. It might not be that far off. Are we ready? What do you think? Are you ready? We all know it's going to be grace. None of us is ready in our own strength. But are we preparing ourselves? The key is going to be how much we're separating ourselves to the presence of God, how much of our time and energy is being used for eternal things instead of temporal things, you know, the real identifying of where our treasures are...

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