
Psychological Warfare and Overcoming Negativity.

Part 3

June 18, 2023 • Eric Dubach

In part 3 of our Nehemiah series, Pastor Eric discusses the struggles and victories of owning and achieving a vision for the church. He explores the importance of prayer in defining the vision and overcoming personal strongholds to achieve it. Pastor Eric also discusses threats to the vision, including the use of psychological warfare and opposition to certain beliefs becoming labeled as hate speech. This sermon emphasizes the importance of using our time, talent, treasure, and testimony to own the vision and take responsibility for it. Practical tips for achieving this include eliminating the phrase "That's Not My Responsibility" and using gentle restoration for those caught in sin. The podcast ends with a discussion of the psychological warfare used against Nehemiah in the book of Nehemiah and how it relates to our own struggles in achieving our visions at home.