
Can Planning Build Confidence?

Part 2

June 4, 2023 • Eric Dubach

In Part 2 of our sermon series in Nehemiah, you'll hear from Pastor Eric as he explores the idea that people don't plan to fail; they just fail to plan. He draws on Jesus' example of building a tower and explains the importance of counting the cost and pursuing a dream or vision with discipline. Pastor Eric shares his own insights and reflections, emphasizing the importance of having a plan before starting a project and not talking about the vision before fully understanding its scope. He also delves into the topic of intimidation and opposition to pursuing one's vision, drawing from the experiences of Nehemiah. Along the way, he offers practical advice and challenges everyone to have confidence in their plans and to stand firm in their calling. Whether you're a seasoned Christian or new to the faith, you'll find inspiration and wisdom in this thought-provoking sermon.