
Support for the Restoration

Galatians 6:2-10

September 18, 2011 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Goal of Community Discipline

Galatians 6:1-10

Part B

I. The Scenario (6:1)

A. The Problem: Caught in a Sin (6:1a)

B. The Solution: Restoration (6:1b)

C. The Manner: With the Proper Attitude (6:1b9-d)

II. The Procedure of the Restoring Brother (6:2-6)

A. Lend the Proper Support (6:2)

1. The Nature of the Support (6:2a)

● bear take up, to carry or lift a load; or to carry something

● burden weight, an oppressive weight, an unmeasurably
great weight

2. The Reason for the Support (6:2b)

B. Maintain the Proper Perspective (6:3-5)

1. On Himself (6:3)

● deceives to deceive one’s mind or to lead one’s mind astray

2. On His Work (6:4-5)

● examine to test to ascertain genuineness; to approve

● bear to carry a designed load

C. Communicate the Word of God (6:6)

III. The Response of the Fallen Brother (6:6-10)

A. To the Word (6:6)

● share fellowship, association, communion, or close relationship

B. To God (6:7-9)

1. He Recognizes the Inescapable Nature of God (6:7a)

2. He Recognizes the Inescapable Nature of Consequences (6:7b-8)

● The Principle of Consequences Stated

● The Principle of Consequences Applied

■ corruption deterioration or decay

3. He Recognizes the Necessity of Great Effort (6:9)

● lose heart to lost one’s motivation to accomplish something

C. To Others (6:10)

● opportunity to a decisive point in place, situation, or time