
The Goal: Restoration

Galatians 6:1

September 11, 2011 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Goal of Community Discipline

Galatians 6:1-10

Part A

The Practice of Church Discipline

The Purpose of Church Discipline

The Goal of Church Discipline

● The Nature of Goal

● The Goal Itself: Restoration

■ The Role of the Individual in Restoration (Gal. 6:1-10)

■ The Book of Galatians

▫ The Context of Galatians 6

▫ The Reality of Ongoing Sin

Restoration: The Manifestation of Spirit Produced Love

I. The Scenario (6:1)

A. The Problem: Caught in a Sin (6:1a)

1. The Context of the Problem (6:1a1)

2. The Nature of the Problem (6:1a2-10)

● caught to anticipate or forecast (active)

to be taken by surprise, overtaken, seized unawares (passive)

● trespass to fall beside or false step

B. The Solution: Restoration (6:1b)

1. The Parties Involved (6:1b1-4, 6-8)

a. The Limited Number

b. The Spiritual Character

2. The Result Pursued (6:1b5)

● restore put in order, repair, or make complete

to arrange, adapt, or adjust something to a particular condition based on its usage, purpose, or end

C. The Manner: With the Proper Attitude (6:1b9-d)

1. An Attitude of Tenderness (6:1b9-13)

● gentleness a humble, submissive, and teachable spirit

a considerate and charitable approach to others

2. An Attitude of Watchfulness (6:1c)

● look to notice something so as to scrutinize, observe, or inspect it

3. An Attitude of Humility (6:1d)