
The Necessity of Restoration

2 Corinthians 2:7-11

October 2, 2011 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Goal of Community Discipline

2 Corinthians 2:5-11

Part B

The Goal of Church Discipline: Restoration

I. The Cause of the Discipline (2:5)

II. The Restoration from Discipline (2:6-8)

A. The Time of Restoration (2:6a)

B. The Participants in Restoration (2:6b)

C. The Nature of Restoration (2:7a)

1. Extension of Forgiveness

● forgive beautiful, to give generously, beneficial, grateful

2. Extension of Encouragement

● comfort summon, beseech, exhort, appeal, encourage, exhort

D. The Necessity of Restoration (2:7b)

● excessive greater or more

● overwhelmed to drink down or gulp to consume or use up to overcome or drown

E. The Summary Statement of Restoration (2:8)

1. The Fact of Reinstatement

● reaffirm ratify, annual, make a legal decision

2. The Fact of Fellowship

III. The Bases of Restoration from Discipline (2:9-11)

A. Obedience (2:9)

● test to examine or verify

● obedient to give ear or listen

B. Forgiveness (2:10)

1. Paul’s Leadership in It

2. Corinth’s Need for It

3. Christ’s Example of It

4. Satan Thwarted by It

● advantage greediness, exploitation, defrauding

● schemes thoughts, concepts, plans, or resolve