
The Problem and the Process

Matthew 18:15

August 7, 2011 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Practice of Community Discipline (Part 1)

Matthew 18:15-20

Part A

The Contextual Framework of Community Discipline

● The Marks of the New Testament Church

● The Context of Matthew 18

I. The Problem (18:15a)

A. The Persons Involved

1. The Fact of Christian Brothers

2. The Nature of Christian Brothers

a. Its Priority

b. Its Newness

c. Its Unity

B. The Situation Involved

1. The Nature of the Situation

● sins missing the mark or goal

2. The Particulars of the Situation

II. The Process (18:15b-17)

A. Private Rebuke (18:15b-d)

1. The Nature of the Rebuke

a. The Meaning Rebuke

● reprove punish, condemn, convict, or examine

b. The Need for Rebuke

c. The Manner of the Rebuke

2. The Place of the Rebuke

a. The Need for Privacy

b. The Challenge to Privacy

3. The Intent of the Rebuke