
The Aftermath of Church Discipline

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

September 4, 2011 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Purpose of Community Discipline

1 Corinthians 5:1-13

(Part C)

The Church and Ongoing Sin

The Church’s Answer to Sin

● The Need for Church Discipline

● The Failure to Practice Church Discipline

I. The Case for Discipline (5:1-5)

II. The Basis of Discipline (5:6-8)

III. The Focus of Discipline (5:9-13)

A. The Focus Stated (5:9)

● associate to be in a joint relationship; to mix it up

1. The Danger of One’s Associates Described Biblically

2. The Danger of One’s Associates Expressed Socially

B. The Focus Explained (5:10-13a)

1. Who is Not Included (5:10)

a. Their Identity Stated

b. Their Identity Defended

c. Their Identity Explained

2. Who is Included (5:11-13a)

a. Who He Is (5:11a)

● called name or naming

b. What He Does (5:11b)

c. What They Should Do (5:11c)

1) The Extent of Their Response

2) The Disposition of Their Response

a) Stated

b) Explained

d. Why They Should Do It (5:12-13a)

C. A Restatement of Discipline (5:13b)

● manifests an obedient humble heart before God

● prevents the spread of sin throughout the congregation

● provides opportunity for correction to take place

● allows the church to manifest its true nature

● manifests that the church truly acknowledges Christ’s sacrifice