
Psalms 78:9-16 (7/23/20)

Stand Strong

July 23, 2020

* God has called us all to stand strong for Him. * Vs 9 - the men who were called to fight didn’t fight. Why? * Vs 10-11 - they didn’t obey God and they forgot what He had done for them. * Two things the Israelites were to pass down to their kids: * The laws of God. * The stories of God. * Two things you need to stand strong: * Commitment to obey God (stay inside His boundaries). * Remember what He’s done (have a testimony). * Vs 12-16 - if you’re going through something tuff, reading these verses will remind you of God’s faithfulness. * This is why journaling is so powerful. * When you obey or disobey and you record the story it helps you in the future.