
1 Kings 8:22 (5/27/21)

The Key to a Great Leader

May 27, 2021

* “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” —John Maxwell. * Leadership is the ability to create an appetite in another person. * The question is, what types of appetites are you creating in those who follow you? * The greatest appetite is a hunger and thirst for the Lord. * Backstory - Solomon is taking the throne and completing the temple David had started. * Upon completion, he brought the ark of God’s presence into the Temple. * Once it was in the Temple, he stood in front of everyone and prayed. * Vs 22 & 54 - he was on his knees with his hands toward heaven. * This picture would be captured in the minds of every Jew. * The most powerful man on the planet, on his knees, hands spread out toward heaven, asking for God’s blessing and protection. * DANIEL did the same! * A good leader removes himself from the equation so the transaction can be between God and those he leads. * As a leader, your job is to find ways for those who follow you to have an interaction with God. * Ultimately, they will want to give Him the credit and not you. * This is what will change their life. * EX: George Mueller. * Four questions: * 1) Who are you leading?   * 2) What type of appetites are you creating in them? * 3) Who are you following?   * 4) What type of appetite do you have for Him?  (Fountain connected to Source)