
Value Creator

How Joseph shows us to be valuable

January 22, 2015 • Benham Brothers

Joseph was a value creator - everywhere he went he was bringing value.
He was walking in God's favor and it disregarded his environment.
He worked according to his ability and not his pay.
He was more concerned about God's name than his own.
Because of Joseph's value his family reaped the benefit.
How did Pharaoh respond when Joseph's family had a need?
He was willing to give up something of great value - the choicest of the land.
Value begets value - if the sons of Israel would have showed up apart from being Joseph's brothers then Pharaoh would have given up his land for monetary value.
Since Joseph led with value Pharaoh responded with value.
Ultimately Pharaoh gave Joseph's brothers charge of his source of sustainability - this is the ultimate show of trust a person can have.
This is the type of worker we need to be in the marketplace.