
Understanding the Times

How a group of workers knew what Israel should do

January 22, 2015 • Benham Brothers

We know about the men of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12) but we rarely think about the man Issachar.
Jacob pronounced a blessing on him that gives us insight into who he was and the people who descended from him.
They were workers, like donkies - always working, never complaining, but always working "for" someone.
They would be hardworking people who earned an honest living.
They would find their rest in their work.
Only a labouring man can know what rest truly is.
The men of Issachar were those men who were being faithful in the work God had called them to do, no matter what it was.
All through Scripture we find people gainfully employed in an honest trade when God taps them on the shoulder.
When the people of God clashed with their culture it was these faithful workers who knew what Israel should do.
When Israel needed a solution the men of Issachar came up with it.
All we have to do is be faithful right where God has placed us.
Our faithfulness in our work will prove our fitfulness in God's kingdom.