
Acts 13:49-50 (4/17/24)

Spirits Use People

April 17, 2024

* God uses people to accomplish His will on the earth. 

  * He uses both good and bad people. 

* Satan uses people to accomplish his will on the earth. 

  * He uses both good and bad people. 

* Backstory - Jesus was off the scenes and now the growth of the church was the responsibility of the apostles. 

  * Paul and Barnabas were preaching like crazy! 

  * Jews and Gentiles were getting saved by the droves. 

* vs 49 - “The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.” 

  * Through their witness the kingdom of heaven was advancing forcefully against the kingdom of hell. 

* Then something happened: 

* vs 50 - “But the Jewish leaders incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region.”

  * A “God-fearing” person who’s a “leader” is a Christian Influencer!

  * The Christian Influencers of the day were now on the wrong side of God’s Kingdom expansion!

* We need to always remember the four spiritual players at work here. 

  * Revelation 17 shows us: 

    * Dragon - Satan himself. 

    * Beast - Antichrist spirit (any idea that stands against God).  

    * Babylon - (PEC) Political, Economic, Cultural system of the Beast. 

      * The goal of Babylon is to turn people away from God. 

    * Harlot - Religious system of Babylon that gives credence to the Beast. 

  * The only way people will desire Satan’s way more than God’s way is if there is a religious system that legitimizes it. 

* That’s what happened here in Acts 13.  

  * Satan needed good-hearted Godly people to buy into his lies and hinder God’s work. 

* Note - These influencers were first convinced by the “religious” leaders. 

  * “…the Jewish leaders incited the God-fearing women…”  

  * What are our pastors teaching us today?

* How do we make sure we don’t get used by Satan? 

* 1) Wrap knowledge around our zeal. 

  * These influencers certainly had a zeal for the Lord, but they didn’t have knowledge. 

  * They needed a Biblical worldview to filter the lies being spoken into their ears. 

  * We need to “study” Scripture to be intimately familiar with the truth. 

    * We need to study it through the lense of a battle. 

* 2) Look and listen for the spirit behind what’s being said or done. 

  * EX: Jesus with Peter. 

  * EX: Stanley - teaching Christians to stay out of the “hot topic” issues. 

    * “If you need an enemy to prop up your leadership, you’re not leading.” 

    * People clapped - but the Bible is a book about God’s enemy. 

* 3) Ask God what He thinks. 

  * Then pause and listen. 

* 4) Sit under leaders with a “Fatherly” spirit (and Motherly). 

  * They’re willing to talk about all things. 

  * They teach about boundaries.