
The Power of Respect

How to keep and give this valuable core need

January 4, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Ephesians 5:33 tells us the core need for a man is respect, especially in marriage.
* In the NKJV this verse reads - "but [God] did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell."
* God gives all people His respect as a gift because we are made in His image.
* But it’s our responsibility to keep it.
* Cain lost God’s respect because he didn’t give his best.
* When he refused to give his best he lost the thing he needed most.
* Such is the case for any man who doesn’t give his all in what he’s doing.
* Apply this to your work - do your best no matter how small a task and watch how your boss responds. (God will also receive this as worship).
* Apply this to your marriage - give your wife and kids your very best at home and watch how well they respond.
* Apply this to your body - give your best to be healthy and watch how your body responds.
* Apply this to every other area of life.
* Note - in Genesis 4:23 we see a man who had no respect for himself or anyone else and therefore he had to prove himself and get respect through threats.
* A man with no self-respect is a man who has to prove himself to everyone.