
We Were Made For Relationship

A deep dive into why we were made for each other

January 4, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* God + Adam = not good.
* God + Adam + Eve = good.
* What was missing? Relationship!
* This is why we have the ability to communicate - apart from others who are equal to us (human beings) we cannot relate as God relates in the Trinity.
* In the beginning God created “adam” (awh-dahm), not the male but humankind.
* “It is not good for “humankind” to be alone.”
* vs 17-23 - “she was taken out of man.”
* This is the “splitting of the adam,” so to speak.
* Feminine was taken from masculine.
* The two joined together creates the perfect picture of mankind made in God’s image.
* vs 24 - this is why God wants men to “cleave” to their wife - to create the oneness required to give the full picture of God’s image.
* Man alone is not God’s full image. Neither is woman alone.
* It’s the man/woman bond that creates it.
* This is why marriage is under attack today - Satan hates the image of God.