
The Power of Presence

The secret of three powerful words

January 14, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Three times times in this chapter Abe uses the phrase “Here I am.”
• When God called to him to sacrifice his son, when his son called to him, and when God called to him again not to kill his son.
• He was so attuned to God’s voice he could here Him and he was ready for what God would say.
• He was also attuned to his sons’ voice.
• Wherever Abe was he was “all there.”
• I struggle with being “all there” with my kids often times.
• If Abe wasn’t “all there” he would have mistaken God’s voice for the devils’.
• The secret to the great leader is being a great follower.
• Abe followed God and therefore he was equipped to lead his family.