
Broken Communication

What to do when we don't understand each other

January 10, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* vs 5-6 - The initiative they had begun with a unified heart was extremely successful.
* But it was against God’s plan, so He had to break it up.
* How?
* vs 7-8 - By causing a breakdown in communication.
* God knew exactly what would disrupt their unity and knock them off course.
* This gives us a clue of what we need to focus on to keep us on the right course - good communication.
* ** Good communication starts with understanding that God brought you together (in marriage or any other relationship).
* If you don’t start here you’ll abandon each other when the going gets tough.
* These folks abandoned each other when they couldn’t understand each other.
* ** You then need to understand you’re wired differently (especially in marriage).
* God did this on purpose so you would recognize you need each other.
* You then need to seek to understand the person (your spouse) in the same way the church is responsible to seek to know Christ.
* Why? Because your marriage is simply a reflection of His.
* Communication is hard work, but rewarding work and will keep us unified!