
A Great Woman

This is the type of woman who attracted the future king

May 7, 2017 • Benham Brothers

•David had already killed Goliath & had just spared Saul’s life - he was operating by principle.
•But now he was operating emotional and was going to take matters into his own hands.
•vs 21-22 - “enemies of David???” Against Goliath he was more concerned about God.
•With Saul, David focused on honoring God. With Nabal he focused on avenging himself.
•WHY was he so mad? Because he was disrespected.
•God used a woman to get him to refocus on God and not himself.
•Notice three things Abigail did to get to David's heart:
•vs 23-24 - 1) She led with respect - she had him at “On!”
•You can say the right things but without the right posture it won’t get through.
•HOW do you respect? Psalms 100:4 - through Thanks and Praise.
•We thank Him for what He’s done and praise Him for Who He is.
•vs 28 - 2) She reminded him of who he was - he fights God’s battles, not these petty ones.
•Women need to remind their men who they are, because the devil can’t whip a man who knows who he is.
•vs 29-31 - 3) She reminded him of what God was doing - this got him to refocus on God.
•She didn’t try to get him to focus on her.
•If she could get him to focus on God then she would be taken care of.
•vs 32-35 - David’s focus was now on God.
•When David released his problem back to God, it gave God room to take over.
•vs 36-38 - God dealt with Nabal as He saw fit.
•They that “wait upon the Lord” - state of waiting (no ambition), service of waiting (focus on Him). •vs 39 - God rewarded the woman who got the man to focus on God!
•It was HER faith that increased David’s faith.
•Notice how she waited - she was in the state of waiting when she left David that day, not having a clue how God was going to work this all out.
•But then she was willing to remain in the service of waiting - she was willing to serve in whatever position God put her in.