
The Danger of Occupational Thinking

and how we can overcome it

June 11, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* Occupational thinking may make you money, but Relational thinking gives you meaning!
* This passage is for all the wives out there who get frustrated at their men for not understanding them.
* Backstory - Jesus is with the disciples at the last supper (they didn’t know this was their last meal with Him).
* Vs 21-25 - sets the stage.
* Vs 26-27 - could His answer be more obvious than this?
* Vs 28 - they didn’t get it.
* They were just like so many other men who just don’t get it no matter how clear it is.
* Why?
* Vs 29 - They were thinking OCCUPATIONALLY.
* They were thinking in terms of Judas’ job.
* Men are often experts at work but bafoons in relationship. Why?
* Because they’re thinking is stuck in the occupational zone.
* Occupational thinking is concrete, logical, and involves fixing things.
* Relational thinking is dynamic, emotional, and involves feeling things.
* Occupational thinking is single-channeled.
* Relational thinking is multi-channeled.
* When a dude comes home from work he’s been in the occupational zone for most of the day - this helps him make money.
* But if he wants meaning, then when he comes home he has to learn to switch from occupational to relational.
* HOW?
* ** Husbands:
* 1) Be fully present.
* Marina Abramovic - “The Artist is Present” at the Museum of Modern Art - 8 hours a day 6 days a week for 3 months.
* 2) Listen beyond the words (Jesus - “beware the Leven of the Pharisees).
* Listen for feelings, not facts.
* Feelings are all about approval.
* Facts are about fixing.
* ** Wives:
* 1) Preparation - In the same way you prepare a meal.
* Your husband is great at relationship, but he needs training!
* Men, open yourself up to this training.
* Tori has spent 22 years training me!
* 2) Patience - Jesus responded to His disciples with patience!
* When you’re preparing a meal you don’t rush through it (Tori is Italian and would never dream of doing that!).
* Think of your husband as you think of your son - he’s someone else’s son, so treat Him with patience.
* Men, she’ll be patient if she knows you’re trying!
* Ultimately the disciples got it, but it didn’t happen until the Holy Spirit came upon them months later.
* Husbands - this is where it all starts - your relationship with God.
* Then let God use your wife to train you!
* Occupational thinking may make you money, but Relational thinking gives you meaning!