
Acts 12:6 (7/6/22)

Keeping Your Peace

July 6, 2022

* True faith doesn’t freak out in the midst of the storm. * It keeps its peace even when the heat picks up! * Vs 1-2 - What do you think James’ mom felt? She said James could drink His same cup. * Vs 3-4 - Different things happen to different people. * Don’t compare - simply be faithful. * Vs 5 - we should pray for those who are persecuted. * Interceding taps into the mirror neurons of the brain. * It will help you keep your peace! * Vs 6 - Remember the boat! (Matthew 8:23-27) * Peter, bound in chains, knowing that the same fate as James awaited him. * Anxiety - projected powerlessness. * His response - he projected power, and therefore he experienced PEACE! * True faith involves more than just believing God can do something, it’s walking in authority as you believe it. * The beauty of a storm is that you will always see God in a new light - you’ll come to know Him better!  * When the storm comes, what do we do? * Ask two questions:  * 1) Did I bring this on myself? (Self-inflicted storms come from God) * 2) Is Jesus in my boat? Have I made Him captain? (What’s His posture?)