
Acts 2:14 (6/22/22)

Turning Weakness Into Strength

June 22, 2022

* Your greatest weakness is an over-extension of your greatest strength. * We turn our strength into weakness. * God turns our weakness back into a strength! * Blind Harry’s book “Wallace” about the life of Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace. * The opening line in the book - “In 1297, William Wallace raised his head.” * All William’s previous experiences led him to this moment where he would lead his people to fight the English for Scottish freedom. * Reading through the first few chaps of Acts made me think of Peter. * The last time we saw Peter: * He was on the seashore eating crow before Jesus. * The time before that he denied Jesus three times. * The time before that he got rebuked for cutting of someone’s ear. * The time before that he got rebuked for standing in the way of Christ’s mission. * The time before that God told him to shut up and listen (on the Mount of Transfiguration). * Peter was naturally bold - it was his biggest strength, but also his biggest weakness. * But now, things were different! * It was the Day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit descended powerfully on the place. * People were confused … * Vs 14 - “Then Peter stood up …” * No longer relying on his own strength or cowering in fear. * He stood boldly for the Lord and preached the very first message of the gospel. * Acts 3:1 - he was also the first to heal someone. * Peter turned his strength into a weakness. * But God turned Peter’s weakness into a strength. * What needed to happen before God could use Pete’s natural strength? * 1) He had to be humbled. * Boldness apart from Brokenness makes you a bully (Pete in the Garden) . * Brokenness apart from Boldness makes you a bystander (Pete in the Courtyard). * Boldness on the foundation of Brokenness makes you a Bridge between heaven and earth. * Pete was now a bridge! * 2) He needed the Holy Spirit. * God fills the humble, pure, and courageous heart. * Pete was simply “willing” to stand and speak, so the HS filled him for the job! * But not everyone wants to walk across that bridge - and some people want to blow the bridge up! * Response: * Acts 2:37 - 3k got saved. * Acts 5:33 - “When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put him to death.”