
Parental By Example

Lesson's from Samson's mom

April 19, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* An angel showed up to Manoah’s wife and announced the birth of a son.
* Samson’s dad asks what kind of rules should govern the boy’s life and work.
* Essentially, “how can I raise my kid the right way?”
* The angel responds with a command to the child’s mom:
* vs 12-14 - “Be sure your wife follows the instructions I gave her…”
* He was to be a Nazarite, but she had to live like one first.
* Essentially, the angel said, “Model the type of behavior he should have, like that of a Nazarite, and that will be enough.”
* What is “caught” by kids is far more impactful than what is “taught” by parents.