
Ezekiel 35:5 (6/12/24)

The Danger of Nursing a Grudge

June 12, 2024

* When you experience conflict with another person, God is showing you how to intercede for them. 

  * Jacob and Esau experienced intense conflict with each other. 

  * Esau forgave Jacob in his heart. 

  * But his kids never let it go. 

  * Generations later, God had to punish the Edomites for nursing a grudge against the Israelites.

* vs 5-6 - “‘Because you harbored an ancient hostility and delivered the Israelites over to the sword at the time of their calamity, the time their punishment reached its climax, 6 therefore as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I will give you over to bloodshed and it will pursue you...” 

* Warren Wiersbe - “Some people nurse a grudge the way a mother nurses a child: they love it, cherish it, and cannot live without it. But they forget that the child is growing and may one day turn on them and destroy them. A grudge against an enemy is a very expensive thing, no matter how much enjoyment you may get nursing it.”

  * To cherish something is to “to hold dear, to feel or show affection, to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely.” 

* When someone does us wrong, we have two ways of dealing with it:

  * The good path: Anger - Resolve - Forgiveness - Restoration (Biblical Love).

  * The bad path: Anger - Grudge - Bitterness - Hatred. 

* Notice they both start with anger. 

  * Anger is an emotion with a purpose, and the purpose is to see justice done. 

  * You can either move toward forgiveness (and give the situation to God) or unforgiveness where you hold them hostage in your heart. 

  * Unforgiveness is our desire for control, and it’s straight from the devil. 

  * Ultimately, you’re bitter and hateful and you become an absolute nuisance of a human being.

* You know you have a GRUDGE when the person's name is mentioned and it illicits an emotion. 

  * You think something bad about them and then in time you begin to verbalize it. 

* You know you have BITTERNESS when you have no desire to reconcile at all. 

  * You hold them hostage in your heart so you always know where they are and can control what they do to you and the way you feel toward them. 

  * A bitter heart attracts other bitterness - you will end up being bitter toward lots of things. 

* You know you have HATRED in your heart when you want them out of your life, no matter what. 

  * This is when consequences don't matter anymore, and leads people to murder (in their hearts first and then in actions).  

* In the Psalms we see David feeling anger but resolving to not let it get the best of him.  

  * We should do the same.