
Matthew 6:12 (8/28/24)

Debts & Trespasses

August 28, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Matthew 6:12

* Jesus mentions two things we are to forgive and seek forgiveness for: 

  * Debts (vs 12)

  * Trespasses (vs 14-15)

* vs 12 - “…and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” 

* vs 14-15 - “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” 

* Let’s look at the difference between the two: 

  * A debt is something we should do, but we failed to do it. 

    * We typically think about debt in terms of money - we owe a certain amount of money to someone.

      * The money is borrowed, so we make payments consistently. 

    * Spiritually speaking, we have a debt to God and others. 

      * God has granted us forgiveness even though we don’t deserve it, and the way we pay it back is by forgiving others. 

    * We are commanded to love God and love others. 

      * But when we fail to show love for God or love for others, we have failed to pay our debt.  

    * This would include kindness and service to others when they are in need.

  * A trespass is something we did, but we shouldn’t have done. 

    * A trespasser occupies a realm or exercises a right that belongs to someone else. 

    * We trespass against God when we violate one of God's clear commands - we have crossed the boundary. 

    * We trespass against others when we sin against them - we do, say, or think something that violates the law of love. 

    * A sin against another is a sin against God. 

* On both occasions, the failure to do what we should have done and doing what we should not have done, we are to:

  * Seek forgiveness 

  * Grant forgiveness

* If we fail to grant forgiveness, we will not get forgiveness from God.  

  * This is why Paul encourages us to forgive one another as God in Christ has also forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). 

* Forgiveness means to "let go." 

  * God "lets go" of our offense toward Him when we repent (change of mind/direction) of our sin because He is merciful. 

* So when Jesus talks about forgiveness, He’s talking about “letting go” of two offenses, debts, and trespasses. 

  * Our failure to do what we ought and doing what we ought not.