
Jeremiah 12:1-6 (10/14/21)

The Training Ground of Faith

October 14, 2021

* Jeremiah had grown really discouraged. * He had been faithful to do all God wanted him to do yet nobody listened. * And his friends and family abandoned him. * So he took his plea to God. * Vs 1-4 - It’s ok to question God in private - don’t do it in public. * When we go through hardships, the proper question is not “HOW” can I get out of this, but “WHAT” can I get out of this? * God’s answer (vs 5) - “I’m training you!” * Three truths about your Christian life: * 1) It’s not supposed to be easy - it’s hard work to stay on the narrow path. * Running a race is always hard. * 2) It gradually gets harder - your convictions go deeper the more mature you are in your faith. * 3) It gradually gets better - we experience peace and rest in the middle of trials and tribulations. * EX: Getting in shape - it’s hard, and it gets harder the longer you go, but life gets way better! * TRUTH - If you’re faithful in little, you’ll be faithful in much. * That’s how we know if we’ll stand strong when the going gets tough.