
Four Phases of Parenting

God shows us a pattern for parenting

February 3, 2019 • Benham Brothers

God our Teammate (Exodus 33-34)
• Exodus is a book on RELATIONSHIP - “the state of being connected, or bound.”
• ** the key to relationship is to remember (re-member is to re-attach).
• Exodus shows us how God and the Israelites would be able to connect with each other and stay connected (bound).
• Throughout the book we see the Four stages of parenting:
• 1) Babysitter - God watched over the Israelites for 400 years in Egypt.
• A babysitter says, “I’ve GOT you!”
• 2) Referee - God gave them the law and rules by which they could live.
• A ref says, “I’ll PUNISH you.”
• 3) Coach - God equipped and inspired them for victory in their new life.
• A coach says, “I’m FOR you.”
• 4) Teammate - God came alongside and chose to dwell among them.
• A teammate says, “I’m WITH you.”
• EX: Ronnie Littleton - 6th grade babysitter & ref (cut the hair), 7th-12th coach, now teammate (in our weddings).
• KEY: A spirit of HONOR moves you through the first three stages to become a teammate.
• The teammate phase is where we truly get to KNOW the person.
• John 17:3 - “Now this is eternal life: that they KNOW you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
• Eternal Life isn’t just about being saved, it’s about KNOWING God.
• The teammate phase is powerful cuz of INTIMACY - fully known and fully accepted.
• PROBLEM - the Israelite’s behavior kept bringing God back to referee.
• Backdrop - Moses was delayed on the mountain getting the 10 commandments.
• The Israelites made a golden calf - God wanted to kill them all, but Moses interceded, so God relented.
• vs 33:1-3 - But God wouldn’t go to the PL w/them - He’d be their babysitter, ref, and coach, but not a teammate.
• vs 33:12-13 - Moses intercedes again, “You know me, but I want to know you! Let’s be teammates!”
• vs 33:14 - God responds, “I’ll go with you.”
• vs 33:15 - Moses responds, “I don’t want to go unless you’re WITH us.”
• ** This is the key to the teammate phase - you’re fully PRESENT, no matter the location or condition.
• Quote - “We were together. I forget the rest.”
• EX: My son wants to go to a Duke game and I buy him two tickets for he and a friend, but he says he doesn’t want to go unless I go.” (that touches the heart of a dad)
• vs 33:17 - God responded that He would go because He knows Moses by name.
• vs 33:18 - Moses goes for broke - “Show me all of you!”
• The Reveal
• vs 34:1-4 - Moses has to replace the tablet he broke and then God would reveal Himself.
• vs 34:5-7 - This is the first time God ever described Himself in the Scripture.
• Ten Characteristics of God:
• 1) Lord - He’s in charge (like a landlord).
• 2) Compassionate - He feels for us, has positive emotional response when He thinks of us.
• 3) Gracious - He gives us more than we could ever deserve.
• 4) Slow to Anger - you can rile Him up, but it won’t be easy.
• 5) Abounding in lovingkindness - His love is revealed by His kindness toward us.
• 6) Abounding in truth - love is compassion w/standards.
• 7) Forgiving - He won’t hold our sins against us.
• 8) Punisher - He will not let us get away with our sin (Jesus took our punishment).
• 9) Generational - He blesses or curses generations depending on how we behave.
• 10) Jealous (vs 14) - this was mentioned in the context of covenant, which is mutual commitment.
• Bad jealousy is about ME. Good jealousy is about WE.
• Do you want God as a TEAMMATE? Then you need to KNOW Him. When you do you will discover these ten things about Him.