
Romans 4:18-22 (7/30/20)

Person Over Promise

July 30, 2020

* Focus on the Person and trust Him with the promise. * SF Giants pitcher - he’s focusing on God over his platform. * Bible Backstory on Romans 4: * Paul is trying to show two things: * Salvation comes through faith, not works. * Salvation is for all people, not just Jews. * He uses Abraham as an example. * Abe believed and his faith was “credited to him” as righteousness - he didn’t have to work to get it. * But look at how his belief was tested, and how Abe made it through. * Vs 17-22 - Abe received salvation. * Genesis 15:5-6 - the promise! * Genesis 22:1-3 - the test! * Genesis 22:9-13 - salvation! * He focused on the PERSON over the PROMISE because he was “fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised.” (Romans 4:21) * “THIS” was credited to him as righteousness. * Problem - if you focus on the promise (or whatever God has given to you) over God Himself, you begin to operate strategically rather than spiritually. * Abe did this and ended up shacking up with his servant girl and they had Ishmael. * We did this with HGTV, but God jolted us back in line. * Focus on the Person and trust Him with the promise.