
Tell Your Kids the Truth

How lying to our kids creates a distance in the family

January 17, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Isaac knew the promise was with Jacob.
* But he lied to his son Esau when he claimed Jacob stole “his” blessing.
* Isaac tried to outsmart God because he wanted the blessing to go with his favorite.
* God overruled him, this is why he shook violently (vs 33).
* Parents struggle sometimes telling their kids the truth.
* Isaac could’ve told Esau the truth when he was young and then helped him work through it.
* But he went the easy route.
* Parents - if you don’t tell your kids the truth it will create a distance between you and they will end up despising you.
* Esau despised his dad (Gen 28:6-9).
* Telling the truth could have kept their family together.