
Mark 12:41 (3/14/19)


March 14, 2019

* Jesus was sitting opposite the treasury watching people. * He was a keen observer of human behavior. * Yet He was without sin, so He never nit-picked anyone. * This was the pace of His life. * Too often we rush through life and never stop to observe. * When He observed He saw. * He was able to make a distinction between those who gave out of riches and those who gave out of poverty. * Key - we need to learn to not simply see peoples’ actions, but God’s hand in them. * We need to be looking for God in all things. * Four steps: * 1) Pace - stop going so fast. * 2) Presence - be fully present where you are. * 3) People - pay attention to those around you. * 4) Person - look for God in everything and everyone.