
Leviticus 6:5 (2/13/19)


February 13, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* When you sinned by way of theft, not only were you supposed to offer a sacrifice but you were also to make restitution for what you did.
* The thief had to make it right with:
* 1) The person he sinned against.
* He had to add 1/5 to what he stole.
* So if he stole $100 he had to pay back $120.
* 2) The God he sinned against.
* He had to offer a ran tot he priest.
* True forgiveness is only found when you repent to God AND the person you wronged.
* A good rule-of-thumb - when you sin against someone add value to them in some way after you’ve repented.
* Ask them to dinner or something!