
Leviticus 1:1 (2/15/18)

Three Types of Offerings

February 15, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* The tabernacle was ready for use, now God gave the priests the instructions they needed for offering various sacrifices.
* There were three types of offerings:
* 1) When worshippers wanted to express COMMITMENT to God. These were:
* Burnt offering - it symbolized “just as the animal is totally given to God so I totally give myself.”
* Grain offering - this was a way the Jews could dedicate to God that which He enabled them to produce, but it also represented Jesus as the Bread of Life.
* Drink offering - pouring out the wine symbolized a life poured out in dedication to God.
* 2) When worshippers wanted to express COMMUNION with God. This was:
* Peace offering meal - eating together in the East represented an end to any hostility, so this offering showed peace between God and man.
* 3) When worshippers wanted CLEANSING from God. These were:
* The sin offering - the sacrifice was different depending on what the person could afford - this placed a higher burden on the influencers. It was for forgiveness of sins (body burned outside the camp to distinguish between the burnt and sin offering - only the fat was burned on the altar).
* The trespass offering - was needed for two kinds of sin: sins against holy things and against one’s neighbor.
* It illustrated the importance of honoring God and others.