
Leviticus 1 (2/16/17)


February 16, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* The theme of the book of Leviticus is “Be Holy.”
* The word “holy” is used 91 times in the book.
* God wanted the Jews to be “set apart” so the “whole world may know that He is God.
* On that foundation, God established one of the key principles in being set apart - sacrifice.
* In the OT it required an animal, but in the NT Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.
* If we want to be holy we can’t do it apart from offering ourselves as “living sacrifices.” (Romans 12:1)
* Leviticus 1:8-9 - there’s repetition in the book about the head, fat, and organs.
* Look at all three:
* Head - represents pride. Sacrifice it.
* Fat - represents selfishness. Fat is a result of indulgence. Sacrifice it.
* Organs (kidneys and liver) - these filter out impurities.
* All of this teaches us to be holy as God is holy.