
Faith at Work

The role of faith in success at work

September 19, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* These verses sound like a contradiction:
* vs 8 - you’re saved through FAITH…
* vs 10 - you’re created for good WORKS….
* The solution:
* We’re created for good works, but we cannot start there.
* We start with faith and then our work is born out of our faith.
* Not the other way around - we can never “do” enough to earn salvation.
* Faith in God motivates us to work with God.
* Our motivation is love for our adoptive Father.
* In this way we live inside-out.
* Living inside-out makes you fireproof - you’ll never burn out.
* When people say, “How do we integrate our faith into our work?” the answer is, “Your faith should motivate your work.”
* **** It doesn’t “integrate,” it “instigates!”****
* The reason we’re the best workers is because we have a relationship with the God who created all things.