
1 Thessalonians 3:1-4 (10/8/20)

Great Expectations

October 8, 2020

God is calling you to faithfulness in the marketplace. • And you should EXPECT to be rewarded for it. • Prov 22:29 - faithfulness in your work leads to promotion. • Be good at what you do and your level of customer and client increases. • Matt 5:11 - faithfulness in your walk leads to persecution. • Your job isn’t to get a promotion or receive persecution - your job is faithfulness. • God will take care of the rest. • The same thing that got us fired by HGTV is what got us hired. • Expect promotion AND persecution! • Disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality. • So what do we do? • In our work - Expect promotion by EXCEEDING expectations. • When expectation is high, people buy. • People pay for your what, but they stay for your way. • In our walk - Expect persecution by MANAGING expectations. • EX: When we were first hired by HGTV we knew the battle would come. • 1 Thes 3:2-4 - Paul sent Timothy to the Thessalonians to manage their expectations!