
2 Kings 4:9-17 (6/10/21)

Three Ways to Lead with Value

June 10, 2021

* In business (or work) you don’t need to chase after money. * When you lead with tangible value monetary value will chase you down. * We see this in the story of Elisha and the widow, both of whom brought value to the other without being asked. * Let’s look at the story: * Vs 8 - The widow led with value (Elisha didn’t ask). * She used her wealth to help people (Mr. Dave White). * She lived by the motto, “What can I do to bless others?” * Vs 9-10 - She was always looking for a way to ADD value (to give more). * After she gave once, her motto changed to “What ELSE can I do?” * Vs 11 - How did this affect Elisha? * He said, “What can I do for her?” * Vs 12-13a - Elisha would now give her something of value. * Vs 13b - she was content with what she had. * Vs 14a - Elisha asked “What ELSE can I do?” * Vs 14b - God raised up an intercessor for her. * Vs 15-16 - she had given up hope to have a kid. * She didn’t even want to ask for it - that desire was dead in her. * So many women lose sight of this because they give and give and give. * Vs 17 - she received something of value when she led with something of value. * Ultimately, this son died. And the woman finally asked for something for herself. * And she got it! God, through Elisha, healed the boy. * So how do we lead with value? * 1) In your immediate surroundings, look for someone you can bless. * Ask, “What can I do?” Then ask, “What ELSE can I do?” * 2) In your business, look for problem pools, not profit pools. * An entrepreneur is someone who goes in between a person and a problem with a solution. * 3) In your work, give more in value than you take in pay.