
A Good Salesperson

A two part grid to persuade people to buy

August 15, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Salespeople know how to persuade others to buy their product or service.
* This is why we don’t trust them.
* This verse shows us that persuasion can actually be a good thing.
* How?
* When it is used with wisdom.
* A wise person uses wise words to help people make a wise decision.
* The best salesperson does this - they persuade you to do the right thing.
* This means two things:
* 1) Their product / service is something that’s good for you.
* A good salesperson would never sell anything that isn’t beneficial to the person buying it.
* 2) The time is right for you to buy it.
* A good salesperson will only sell if the person can afford it and it’s the right time.
* vs 24 - a good salesperson uses pleasant words because his #1 goal is to help the person he’s talking to.
* vs 29 - a bad salesperson is covetous and greedy.
* He sees people not as people but as dollar signs.
* He wants to cash a check more than help a human.
* vs 19:22 - “it’s better to be poor than a liar.”