
Acts 21:13 (7/16/20)

I Am Ready

July 16, 2020

* When you’re always ready you never have to “get ready.” * Jesus consistently told His disciples to “be ready.” * EX: pushing someone. * Vs 10-12 - there were bad things on the horizon. * But Paul was ready. * Vs 13 - I - AM - READY! * We need this message today. * How do we get ready? * 1) Restate your dedication to the Lord. * 2) Reaffirm your willingness to be used. “Here I am, send me.” * 3) Recognize the things that would hold you back - ask God to show you. * 4) Release those things in your heart (trust Him with those things). * 5) Rehearse in your mind what it will be like.