
1 Chronicles 17:7-8 (7/29/21)


July 29, 2021

* We live in an “insta-famous” world. * KEY - Our fame should be attached to our faithfulness, not our finagling! * Faith is living without scheming. * But we live in a time where you can get fame without faithfulness. * As a result the people who have that fame don’t have the grace to handle it. * When you ambitiously pursue something you may get it, but you won’t have the grace to handle it when you do. * The process is where you receive your power. * If, by your faithfulness, you experience a degree of fame, you will have the grace to handle that place. * You won’t find your identity in being there. * You won’t think it was your plan that got you there. * You won’t look down on others who aren’t there. * BACKSTORY - David wanted to build a temple, but God said “no” through Nathan - then He gave David a promise. * Vs 7 - David was faithful when nobody was watching (but God). * Vs 8 - God took it on Himself to build David’s platform! * Our job is faithfulness. God’s job is to reward that with however He sees fit! * 1 Chronicles 29:12 - David prayed, “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things.” * 2 Chronicles 1:11-12 - Because Solomon asked for wisdom, he got wealth and honor. * ** If we seek the wisdom to influence rather than a platform of influence God may give us both! ** * Our goal should be to seek PRESENCE over PLATFORM. * When we seek presence over platform then we value LIVES more than LIKES! * So what do we do? * Don’t run from social media - people need what’s stirring in you. * Here’s what I suggest: * 1) PRESENCE - seek God’s presence. * Live by faith (no scheming). * Faithful in your work, purity, obedience, etc. * 2) PLAN - make a plan. * Schedule when you’ll post and check - don’t go outside. * Without a plan, you’ll always be in “react” mode and it will swallow you. * 3) POST - post it! * Lead with value. * Elevate “lives” over “likes.”